Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cedar Waxwings Are Back

Had a good day yesterday. I was looking through ebird maps and saw that Steve Nord had seen some waxwings at Commonwealth lake. I got so excited I had to go see them. Cedar Waxwings are among my favorite birds. They are just beautiful.

When I first saw a photo at a friends house and looked them up on my field guide I wasn't concentrating on size. I thought they were a bigger bird like the size of a Jay. I saw some were reported at Fernhill Wetlands in Forest Grove.  So off I go. I was looking all over for this bird. I got down the trail and saw these little birds just flittering from tree to tree. Looked through my binoculars and there they were, Cedar Waxwing.  I was so shocked. I must have taken 20 pictures that day.

First photos of Cedar Waxwing

Newest Photos from Yesteday

I saw a lot of nice birds yesterday. It was so good to see my waxwings back.
Commonwealth Lake is a great place to go. It is paved all around and you can take a stroller if you need to. Lots of people around so I always feel safe.


  1. I have seen Cedar Waxwings a few times, and really like them, because they are looking mysterious in some way. Your photos are great, by the way!

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    1. Thank you Mark.
      I think it's the mask that makes it look mysterious. Like a bandit.
