Wednesday, January 24, 2018

New Visitors

I started making my own suet and started getting new birds at the house.
I also have a Cooper's Hawk that hits the yard every once in a while. He's gotten a couple
of my Mourning Doves.

Varied Thrush

I never had Townsend's Warblers before

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker has been the star of Commonwealth Lake Park. Birders have been coming from all over to see this little guy. One of my favorite birds in the last couple months.  Once you knew what tree he liked he was easy to find. Photos were hard to get because of  branches all over. I managed to get a couple shots.

Another visitor to Commonwealth was a Redhead Duck. I've seen them at Fernhill but never able to get a good photo. One of my first days out with my walker I went to get a shot of the Redhead. I got really tired but got a couple good shots for my album.


Finally found the Black-crowned Night Heron out at Kolls. One of the few places I could bird from the car. I went by so many times but I was always with Non-birders. They didn't understand the idea of waiting. They think if the bird isn't there why sit around. I went by myself in Nov and got a few good shots of him. I saw one in California a couple years ago but didn't get any decent photos. This time this guy posed for me.