Monday, December 14, 2015

Back Outside

It was good to get back outside after being sick.
We have had a lot of rain and most of my usual birding areas have been flooded.
It's funny, a couple months ago there wasn't enough water at Jackson Bottom for the ducks,
now it's flooded and even the road to the parking lot was flooded.

Spent time at home and was able to get a couple cool birds right from my chair.

Never had a White-throated Sparrow in my yard. It was fun to have it visit on a day
I couldn't get out.

I also have a large Flicker that comes every day. Daphne knows it as the Big Bird. She likes to watch
him when he comes. She also likes what she calls the Junco Sparrows. They are here all the time.

Still have the question on my Slate colored Junco. I've been told two different things. I call it a slate colored because that's what I think it is. You be the judge.

A few days ago I was able to see a duck I was hunting since last year. It was counted in the CBC in Dec and was in a neighborhood pond by Walker rd Fred Meyer.  It's considered an exotic escapee. Mandarin Duck. They are native I guess to China but people here buy them and then they escape and mix with other ducks. I have been driving by this pond at least once a week or so hoping to see it. Saw it the other day hanging out with the Wood Ducks and it was way down on the creek side so I didn't get the best picture but good enough. I sat and watched him for a while. Beautiful bird.

I don't take birding to seriously I like to have fun and enjoy watching how the birds act and relate to each other and their surroundings.

     Had a lot of fun this week.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Trip to Grants Pass

Boy I didn't realize how bad it had been being stuck in the house for so long. I was able to go down to see the grand-kids in Grants Pass. There was no birding planed because Les, Sabrina and Daphne were with me this time. But I still got some birding in on the porch. My friend Cheryl lives in Merlin which is out in the woods. Her yard has many birds.

I was able to see:

Red-breasted Sapsucker
   (not the best picture)

Golden-crowned Kinglet
   (have never gotten a photo till today)
Took about a half an hour of patients.


Hairy Woodpecker
  I've seen them but never got a photo till now.

It turned out to be a good time for the short time we were there..

Got to see the Grandchildren. My grandson Reese seems to be interested in birding. My friend Cheryl and her husband Ron, gave him a small pair of binoculars. He enjoyed watching the birds in her yard. I gave him my Sibleys book and he was pretty excited. A birder in the makings.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Turkey Vulture Release

I was able to go to Jackson Bottoms Wetlands to watch the Portland Audubon release two Turkey Vultures back into the wild.

They were caring for them and decided they were ready today. I wasn't sure what to expect. It was really awesome. To see them be free after injury and recovery was really a great sight.

When they opened to door to the crate they didn't move right away. They stepped out and looked around for a couple minutes and then flew off.  They soared around the area a few times then went higher.  There were a couple that were flying around before the release.  Two adults that were there took interest in the new vultures. They were all flying up high when I left.  It was pretty cool to watch.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Trip to Southern California

We've been having a great time in Southern California.
Spent a day with Greg and Marlene
Marlene fixed us lunch and then we went to the beach in Oceanside.
Marlene, Sabrina and Daphne Played on the beach.

Greg, Les and Me went down by the little bay area to look at the Birds.
Found a few birds I've never seen.


                Snowy Egret and Bunny

Snowy Egret

Great-tailed Grackle

We went to the desert and saw some new birds for me.


                                                                 Cactus Wren
                                                             Black-throated Sparrow

                                                                  White-winged Dove

This was from our resort hotel in San Diego


Found this one in Lake Elsinore

The Best of all was today I saw a Greater Roadrunner

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fun Week

So funny the way this week has gone. My leg has been really bad with a lot of pain.  Haven't been able to do much walking much less birding. Decided I wanted to find the Lazuli Bunting I've been trying to see this bird for over 2 years.  Whenever I hear or read they are somewhere I'd go but could never find them. This week David Irons and Shawneen reported some at Cooper Mountain. I asked where to find them and they gave me directions and said I should see them in the parking lot. So I went to the parking lot and there they were. Got a couple good photos of one and was really happy to finally see one. They are the prettiest little birds. All the time I've spent looking and I only had to step out of my car and there they were.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Bath Time

I was wondering when my birds would start using the bath.
Last night a couple Doves just sat on it for a couple hours.
I try to change the water every day so it's nice and fresh.

Then today a Jay decided to take a full bath.  He was having such a good time. I think I enjoyed it almost as much as he did. Fun to just sit and watch him. The little things in life can change your whole mood for the day.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Blue Grosbeak: The Chase

I don't normally run off and chase a bird siting. Sometimes just too busy and can't get out at the time the bird is seen. Yesterday I was very interested in this one. I drove out to find this little guy. Got to the site and spent a couple hours and of course he never showed himself again. I had to pick Daphne up from her dads house so I had to leave.  I watched and no one else reported seeing it later that day.

This morning I had an early morning dentist appointment so I thought I'd drive over to Nimbus by Koll Wetlands and see if he was around. A couple other birders were there. He finally showed himself and was pretty tame and almost posed for us. At one point he was right down in the gutter of Nimbus Dr. He didn't seem too scared of the cars.

Very pretty little bird. I'm not good at the age thing but some of the birders were saying he was a 1st year bird. How he ended up in Beaverton we don't know.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Yellow-headed Blackbird

I had a chance last year to see a Yellow-headed Blackbird at Fernhill Wetlands. Every time I'd go out there it wouldn't be around. I was disappointed when it was gone.

Yesterday it was reported by Steve Nord that he saw 3 Yellow-headed Blackbirds at Jackson Bottom Wetlands.....

He gave exact directions where to go. So I went out to find them. So of course they weren't there at the same spot. I sat there for a while. I started heading over to Pintail Pond. Thought I'd take a shot of finding the Shrike.  On a fence was a bunch of Red-winged Blackbirds.  Took a look through the bins and there were the 3 Yellow-heads mixed in with the other blackbirds. Now how to get a photo without spooking them off. Well they spooked. I watched and they flew into a big tree by Pintail Pond.  I slowly walked up to where the tree was and got a couple fairly good shots.  I still feel a need to prove my sitings with photos.

So here they are.

Never saw the Shrike. But after all tomorrow is another day.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Evening With The Owls

I have wanted to see Owls for a while. Most of them are out at night and many people Id them by their call. Not good enough to do that yet.

Nels Nelson had reported a Great Horned Owl out at Milne Rd. He had a really close up photo. I had seen one out there but it was across the Freeway and didn't get a good look. Got a so, so, Photo.

So I emailed Nels and he told me exactly where to go to find the owl. When I looked it up on ebird  there had also been some Short-eared Owls in the same area. So Nels said to be at the corner of Milne rd and Harrington at 5:30 and I'd have a good chance to see it.

My friend Nancy wanted to see an Owl in person so her and I and Daphne got in the car and headed out. Daphne of course fell asleep which I expected. We finally found the barn we were told to look for the owl at.

Yep, there it was. In the window of the barn. It was actually very exciting to see it. I took a few pictures from the car then got out and got a few more. We stayed there for about 15 min. just watching.
Decided to head for home. On the way out saw my first Rough-legged Hawk. Got a bonus with seeing a Short-eared Owl. At first I thought it was a hawk. Watched through my bins and he turned his head and it was an owl. Took a few pictures before it took off. What a beautiful bird.
So all in all it was a great evening.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Banded Bird

Reported my first banned bird. It was very exciting to see the tag on it.

Went out to Commonwealth Lake and was watching a flock of about 300 Cackling Geese. In the middle was a bird with a yellow band on it's neck. I knew it was to be reported. Posted on OBOL and a couple guys told me how to report it. Steve Nord told me he was there after me and the flock was still there but flew off before he got close enough to see them.

It's funny how an hour can make a difference in the bird sitings in a certain place.  I didn't see the Great Egret that's usually there but he did. It's interesting.

It will be interesting to get the report and see where this Cackling came from. Something to look forward to.

Here is Y3*

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Owl and Goose

Well it's been 3 weeks since mom died. We have been trying to go through her things and get it organized. We were all hit with the flu and viruses one after another. Needless to say we needed a break. Planned for all of us to go to the coast this week-end. I had been wanting to see the Tundra Bean Goose and the Burrowing Owl.

Sabrina got sick again so her and the baby couldn't go.

It turned out to be a beautiful day. It was warm and beautiful.

Yes I got to do a little birding. Les is patient. We went to see the Goose first. Beautiful bird the feet and bill are accented with bright orange.

We headed for the lighthouse and of course the owl wasn't there. So we decided to go into Newport and kill time at the Jetty and then go back. By the time we got back the Owl was finally there. I thought I would miss it. So being able to see it and get a decent picture was a thrill. Les doesn't get it.


Thank you to my dearest husband Les.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Saw the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker last year. I couldn't get a good photo. This year I went out to try and find it again. It only took me 5 min. to find her. She was staying on the back side of the tree trunk. I walked around some and she flew almost into my car. She landed on a small tree right next to my car. Then she flew on a tree on the other side of my car. The difference in the photos was amazing. I've seen better photos than mine but I am very proud of mine.

Last years photo:

This years photo:

     This photo shows some of the red on the top of her head.

My Downy that comes to the feeders all through the day. Only seen the male once.
 Taking photos through glass. When it gets warmer I will be outside taking photos.