Monday, May 26, 2014

California Trip Photos

I did a little digging. I found the photo that was taken 61 years ago at Trees of Mystery with Paul and Babe. It was such fun.

Only saw 2 barn swallows while I was there.

This is picture of me and my mom, brother and sister. I'm the one between my mom and brother (who was caught picking his nose)

This is Sabrina and Daphne in the same spot.

You can almost see Sabrina and Daphne.

With Babe

Close-up with Paul's Shoe

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Pileated Woodpecker

Spent the last two birding days at Fernhill and Tualatin Hills Nature Park.
Was happy to see 13 American White Pelicans. Also got another lifer.  A Bonepart's Gull.

Les took me to Tualatin Hills to see the Pileated Woodpeckers. Got to see one adult and two of the babies. They are about ready to leave the nest.

Pileated Woodpeckers

 Bonaparte's Gull (not the best picture)


American White Pelicans


Friday, May 16, 2014

Merlin or.

Had a great day in Grants Pass Area. Only spent a little time in Waterhorse Park. I did get to see some cool birds while I was there. Got another lifer. Such fun.

Chipping Sparrow

Brown Creeper

Pine Siskin

On our way home tomorrow. Had great weather and a great time.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Went down into California to see the Trees of Mystery. I was there when I was 4 yrs old. We took Daphne to get her picture done in front of Paul Bunyan and Babe. Had a really good time. Didn't do much birding. Stopped a a park in Cresent City Ca. and got a new bird. Added Pacific Loon to my life list.  Got a couple pictures of some brown Pelicans.

Very tired and heading for Grants Pass tomorrow.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Trip Down The Coast

Started our trip yesterday. Thought it was going to rain on Saturday but it was a beautiful day. Daphne was so excited to see the ocean and all the birds. She got so close to a seagull and when it took off she laughed.

My Little Birder

So far in two days I've gotten 5 lifers.

1. Brant
2. Clark's Grebe
3. Whimbrel
4. Caspian Tern
5. Purple Martin

Pretty excited. My trip is only in the second day. Once we get to where the relatives are I won't get to go birding much. Hope to get at least one more lifer for half dozen.

Not the best picture but enough to see it.



Caspian Tern

Heading south in the morning. Going to make a few stops along the way to Brookings Or. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Jackson Bottom Wetlands

Had a great day today on a bird trip.
Les and I hit a Sat. Meeting and went with a group birding today.

Tim Shelmerdine was leading the group and he was very good at helping us find great birds.

I got 3 lifers for me.
   1. Blue-winged Teal
   2. Ring-necked Pheasant
   3. American Pipit

Couldn't get many photos today. It rained pretty hard off and on. Had a hard time keeping my bins dry enough to see. Most of the photos I got when under the roof of the main building. Got soaked but it was so much fun. Les walked in the rear of the group with his umbrella. He was such a good sport to go along.

    Gold-crowned Sparrow

American Goldfinch

Mourning Dove

American Pelican