I am so excited. Got my first owl today. I have been birding almost a year now and have yet to see an owl. Not for lack of trying.
I went out again after picking Sabrina up from work. Went to see if we could find the Yellow belly Sapsucker. Thought I heard it but I'm not good enough to ID from sound only. But some that had been out there were telling about a Great horned Owls nest. It was pretty far away and on the other side of the freeway. I was able to just barely see it with my binoculars . Took a picture hoping it would show up.
Here's the picture:
Not the best picture in the world but enough to ID. I was so excited poor Sabrina heard all the way home "I have an Owl" !!!! She actually was very happy for me because she knew how much I wanted to find one. Persistence pays off .
That's what I call a "NATURAL HIGH" !
I like the photo. Mr Owl (or Mrs) looks like he/she knew you were there.