I am so excited. Got my first owl today. I have been birding almost a year now and have yet to see an owl. Not for lack of trying.
I went out again after picking Sabrina up from work. Went to see if we could find the Yellow belly Sapsucker. Thought I heard it but I'm not good enough to ID from sound only. But some that had been out there were telling about a Great horned Owls nest. It was pretty far away and on the other side of the freeway. I was able to just barely see it with my binoculars . Took a picture hoping it would show up.
Here's the picture:
Not the best picture in the world but enough to ID. I was so excited poor Sabrina heard all the way home "I have an Owl" !!!! She actually was very happy for me because she knew how much I wanted to find one. Persistence pays off .
That's what I call a "NATURAL HIGH" !
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Yellow Belly Sapsucker / Not
Went out to North Plains today to try and find a Yellow Belly Sapsucker that was reported by Colby Neuman. Got out there and talked to Colby and looks like I missed it. David Irons confirmed it was indeed a Yellow Belly Sapsucker.
Think I'll try again tomorrow. See if it's there. Hope so. I'll see what happens.
Went to Mc Donalds for a drink and saw a few birds for my yearly list.
Not a great replacement but it will do.
Think I'll try again tomorrow. See if it's there. Hope so. I'll see what happens.
Went to Mc Donalds for a drink and saw a few birds for my yearly list.
Not a great replacement but it will do.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Sun Came Out
The sun came out and actually got to go out and do some birding. I went down to Fernhill first and it was a little breezy and somewhat cold. Loved every minute.
The Tree Swallows are back. Some saw a violet swallow. I missed that one. It was just nice to get out and see life again.
I was able to see a lot. It was my first time to see a group of Blue Herons together. I usually see them one at a time. Just something I never saw.
After Fernhill I had lunch and drove down to Dawson Creek Park. There was more activity there. Got some pictures that helped fill my bird list file. Nice to have my own shots on them.
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Peregrines aren't seen very often at Dawson Creek. It was a good day.
The Tree Swallows are back. Some saw a violet swallow. I missed that one. It was just nice to get out and see life again.
I was able to see a lot. It was my first time to see a group of Blue Herons together. I usually see them one at a time. Just something I never saw.
After Fernhill I had lunch and drove down to Dawson Creek Park. There was more activity there. Got some pictures that helped fill my bird list file. Nice to have my own shots on them.
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Peregrines aren't seen very often at Dawson Creek. It was a good day.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Swallows Return
Looks like the swallows are coming back for spring. They've been reported on ebird the last week or so in Southern Oregon. I just noticed in the last two days they have been reported to be out at Fernhill. They were some of the first birds I saw out there. They may be common to some people but I think they are beautiful. They move very fast but at Fernhill there are nest boxes and when they land you can get really good shots of them. I love the blue color. A couple shots from last year.
Tomorrow is going to be somewhat sunny so I'll take a walk through Fernhill and see if I can find some of the swallows that have been reported. With all the snow I haven't been out in a while.
Tomorrow is going to be somewhat sunny so I'll take a walk through Fernhill and see if I can find some of the swallows that have been reported. With all the snow I haven't been out in a while.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Birding Oregon
Had an interesting day. Went into the bird store to see if I could get a book Greg Gillson suggested I get. I asked the girl about the book. She asked
me "Do you know who the author is?" I said I think his name was John
something. Couldn't remember his last name. Behind me this guy says "Was
it John Rakestraw?" I said ya I think so. He said oh that's me. He
was very nice and told me the second updated edition will be coming out
in a couple weeks. I think he said a couple weeks. Anyway he was able to
answer some questions for me. Very nice guy.
So I got to meet the author before I even got the book.
Here's a link to his web page if anyone is interested.
So I got to meet the author before I even got the book.
Here's a link to his web page if anyone is interested.
Monday, February 17, 2014
One of my Favorites.
I will be adding things as they come about. This is to keep my life list. I will post photos if I have them. For me this is a learning process.
I started off thinking I needed to prove everything I saw with a photo. I've learned if you take time to take a picture you could lose the bird and not be able to check the field points. Sometimes it's more important than a photo.
I will be adding things as they come about. This is to keep my life list. I will post photos if I have them. For me this is a learning process.
I started off thinking I needed to prove everything I saw with a photo. I've learned if you take time to take a picture you could lose the bird and not be able to check the field points. Sometimes it's more important than a photo.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Keeping Track of Bird Lists
I started birding years ago with my brother but only on a casual basis. In March of 2013 I started to keep track on ebird. A friend, showed me how to post my lists. I was starting off slow and learned a lot.
Started learning by doing. It really helped my physical problems. Getting out in the fresh air is great. The walking has helped.
For my personal interest I'm Going back and start a calender of my bird list and any photos I have.
Not all photos were taken when and where the list shows. I took all photos and use them for description purposes.
I will add more photos after I find them in my files.
If you see any birds that are ID'd incorrectly please let me know. I'm sure there are some mistakes. Still learning.
Lincoln City Oregon
Oct. 2012 Lincoln City Beach
1. California Gull
2. Western Gull (?)
Dawson Creek Park
March 24, 2013
3. Canada Goose
4. American Wigeon

5. Mallard Duck
6. European Starling
7. Red-winged Blackbird
8. Brewers Blackbird
Medford Or.
9. Rock Pigeon
Merlin Or. Cheryl's
10. Rufous Hummingbird
11. Red Breasted Sapsucker
Salt Springs Rd, Yoncalla, OR
12. Bald Eagle
Tualatin River NWR
13. Western Scrub Jay
14. American Robin
15. Yellow-rumped Warbler (
16. Mourning Dove
17. Black-capped Chickadee
Hunters Run
18. Song Sparrow
Dawson Creek
19. Killdeer May 2, 2013
Backyard May 2, 2013
20. Dark-eyed Junco/ Oregon
Fernhill Wetlands May 3, 2013
21. Great Blue Heron
22. Great Egret
23. Tree Swallow
Backyard May 3, 2013
24. Spotted Towhee
Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve May 5, 2013
25. Northern Shoveler
26. Double-crested Cormorant
27. Savannah Sparrow
No Photo
28. Brown-headed Cowbird
Commonwealth Lake Park May 8, 2013
29. American Crow (Western)
30. Barn Swallow
31. House Sparrow
Friends House May 9, 2013
32. Anna's Hummingbird
33. House Finch
Fernhill Wetlands May 10, 2013
34. Cinnamon Teal
35. Eared Grebe
36. Spotted Sandpiper
Amberglen Parkway By Park May 13, 2013
37. Red Tailed Hawk
Fernhill Wetlands May 14, 2013
38. Gadwall
Fernhill Wetlands May 19, 2013
39. Northern Pintail
40. Osprey
41. Greater Yellowlegs (?)
42. Long-billed Dowitcher (?)
43. Eurasian Collared-Dove
44. Marsh Wren
45. Cedar Waxwing
46. American Goldfinch
48. Pied-billed Grebe
49. Band-tailed Pigeon
50. Bushtit
51. Orange-crowned Warbler
52. Common Yellowthroat
53. Lesser Goldfinch
Oregon State Fairgrounds June 1, 2013
54. Northern Harrier
Fernhill Wetlands June 3, 2013
55. Western Grebe
Merlin (Cheryl's House) June 8, 2013
56. Hairy Woodpecker
Weed Rest Stop I-5 June 8, 2013
57. Turkey Vulture
58. Ring-billed Gull
Forest Suites Resort June 9, 2013
59. White-headed Woodpecker
60. Stellers Jay
Lake Tahoe Beach Area June 10, 2013
61. Foster's Tern
Maxwell I-5 Rest Stop June 11, 2013
62. Black-necked Stilt
63. Western Kingbird
Turtle Bay Bird Sanctuary June 12, 2013
Redding Ca
64. Cliff Swallow
Fernhill Wetlands June 12, 2013
65. Black-headed Grosbeak
Sabrina's House June 18, 2013
66. Northern Flicker
Red-shafted/Yellow-shafted Hybred
Carissa's House
Grants Pass Or. June 20, 2013
67. Western Bluebird
Beal Road Ponds June 26, 2013
68. American Coot
Fernhill Wetlands July 4, 2013
69. Mute Swan
No Picture
70. Least Sandpiper (?)
Commonwealth Lake Park July 8, 2013
71. Green Heron
Back Yard July 17, 2013
72. Cooper's Hawk
Newport Or Hwy 101 July 20, 2013
73. Violet-green Swallow
Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area July 21, 2013
Cormorants (not always 100% sure on these)
74. Brandt's Cormorant
75. Pelagic Cormorant (?)
76. Black Oystercatcher
78. Pigeon Guillemot
79. Peregrine Falcon
80. White-crowned Sparrow
Fernhill Wetlands July 30, 2013
81. Semipalmated Plover
(poor photo for ID only)
82. Western Sandpiper
83. Tricolored Blackbird
Fernhill Wetlands Aug. 8, 2013
84. Lesser Yellowlegs
85. Wilson's Snipe
86. Wilson's Phalarope
87. Bank Swallow
Fernhill Wetlands Aug. 11, 2013
88. American White Pelican
89. Belted Kingfisher
Dawson Creek Park Aug. 12, 2013
Hillsboro Library
90. Acorn Woodpecker
Aug 14, 2013
91. Brown Creeper
Fernhill Wetlands Aug. 26, 2013
92. Cackling Goose
Dawson Creek Park Sept 9, 2013
93. Swainson's Thrush
Tualatin River NWR Sept. 14, 2013
94. Green-winged Teal
95. American Kestrel
96. Warbling Vireo
97. Vaux's Swift
98. Downy Woodpecker
99. Pileated Woodpecker
100. Chestnut-backed Chickadee
101. Red-breasted Nuthatch
102. Bewick's Wren
Carissa's House Arroyo Dr. Sept. 21, 2013
Grants Pass Or.
103. Common Raven
Fernhill Wetlands Sept. 24, 2013
104. Greater White-fronted Goose
105. Pectoral Sandpiper
Fernhill Wetlands Sept. 26, 2013
106. Palm Warbler
Santa Rosa Plateau Eco Reserve Oct. 7, 2013
--Adobe loop California--
107. Red-shouldered Hawk
This guy was too fast to get a good shot.
108. Oak Titmouse
109. California Towhee
Lake Hemet Oct. 7, 2013
110. White-breasted Nuthatch
111. Phainopepla
112. Chipping Sparrow
113. Western Tanager
Collier Wetlands Baker Street Oct. 7, 2013
Lake Elsinore Ca.
114. Snowy Egret
(not the best picture but shows yellow feet)
115. Black-crowned Night Heron
116. Black Phoebe
(not the best picture, for Id only)
In n Out Burger Oct 9, 2013
Lake Elsinore Ca.
117. Say's Phoebe
Ernie's House Lake Elsinore California Oct. 9, 2013
118. White-throated Swift
Collier Wetlands Lake Elsinore Ca. Oct. 9, 2013
Foot Stuck
119. Townsend's Warbler
Fernhill Wetlands Oct. 14, 2013
120. Lesser Scaup
121. Ruddy Duck
122. Golden-crowned Sparrow
Boiler Bay State Wayside Oct. 15, 2013
123. Brown Pelican
124. Fox Sparrow
125. Surf Scoter
126. White-winged Scoter
127. Western Meadowlark
Otter Loop Oct. 15, 2013
128. Black Turnstone
Dawson Creek Park Oct. 30 & 31, 2013
129. Golden-crowned Kinglet
130. Rusty Blackbird (rare in Or.)
Commonwealth Lake Nov. 4, 2013
131. Bufflehead
132. Hooded Merganser
133. Common Merganser
Fernhill Wetlands Nov. 11, 2013
134. Horned Grebe (?) Big question on this one.
135. Dunlin
Commonwealth Lake Nov. 13, 2013
136. Virginia Rail
Dawson Creek Park Nov. 21, 2013
137. Ring-necked Duck
Yaquina Head Lighthouse Nov. 23, 2013
138. Harlequin Duck
139. Common Loon
Fernhill Wetlands Dec. 3, 2013
140. Tundra Swan
141. Mew Gull
142. Herring Gull
Backyard Dec. 7, 2013
143. Lincoln's Sparrow
Dawson Creek Park Dec. 11, 2013
144. Eurasian Wigeon
145. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
146. Varied Thrush
Fernhill Wetlands Jan. 8, 2014
147. Canvasback
148. Tufted Duck
149. Great Horned Owl
150. Glaucous-winged Gull (third yr)
151. Yellow-throated Warbler
152. Swainson's Hawk
153. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
154. Wild Turkey
155. Blue-winged Teal
156. Ring-necked Pheasant
158. Brant
159. Clark's Grebe
160. Red-necked Phalarope
161. Whimbrel
164. Pacific Loon
Started learning by doing. It really helped my physical problems. Getting out in the fresh air is great. The walking has helped.
For my personal interest I'm Going back and start a calender of my bird list and any photos I have.
Not all photos were taken when and where the list shows. I took all photos and use them for description purposes.
I will add more photos after I find them in my files.
If you see any birds that are ID'd incorrectly please let me know. I'm sure there are some mistakes. Still learning.
Lincoln City Oregon
Oct. 2012 Lincoln City Beach
1. California Gull
2. Western Gull (?)
Dawson Creek Park
March 24, 2013
3. Canada Goose
4. American Wigeon
5. Mallard Duck
6. European Starling
7. Red-winged Blackbird
8. Brewers Blackbird
Medford Or.
9. Rock Pigeon
Merlin Or. Cheryl's
10. Rufous Hummingbird
11. Red Breasted Sapsucker
Salt Springs Rd, Yoncalla, OR
12. Bald Eagle
Tualatin River NWR
13. Western Scrub Jay
14. American Robin
15. Yellow-rumped Warbler (
16. Mourning Dove
17. Black-capped Chickadee
Hunters Run
18. Song Sparrow
Dawson Creek
19. Killdeer May 2, 2013
Backyard May 2, 2013
20. Dark-eyed Junco/ Oregon
Fernhill Wetlands May 3, 2013
21. Great Blue Heron
22. Great Egret
23. Tree Swallow
Backyard May 3, 2013
24. Spotted Towhee
Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve May 5, 2013
25. Northern Shoveler
26. Double-crested Cormorant
27. Savannah Sparrow
No Photo
28. Brown-headed Cowbird
Commonwealth Lake Park May 8, 2013
29. American Crow (Western)
30. Barn Swallow
31. House Sparrow
Friends House May 9, 2013
32. Anna's Hummingbird
33. House Finch
Fernhill Wetlands May 10, 2013
34. Cinnamon Teal
35. Eared Grebe
36. Spotted Sandpiper
Amberglen Parkway By Park May 13, 2013
37. Red Tailed Hawk
Fernhill Wetlands May 14, 2013
38. Gadwall
Fernhill Wetlands May 19, 2013
39. Northern Pintail
40. Osprey
41. Greater Yellowlegs (?)
42. Long-billed Dowitcher (?)
43. Eurasian Collared-Dove
44. Marsh Wren
45. Cedar Waxwing
46. American Goldfinch
Fernhill Wetlands May 28, 2013
47. Wood Duck
48. Pied-billed Grebe
49. Band-tailed Pigeon
50. Bushtit
51. Orange-crowned Warbler
52. Common Yellowthroat
53. Lesser Goldfinch
Oregon State Fairgrounds June 1, 2013
54. Northern Harrier
Fernhill Wetlands June 3, 2013
55. Western Grebe
Merlin (Cheryl's House) June 8, 2013
56. Hairy Woodpecker
Weed Rest Stop I-5 June 8, 2013
57. Turkey Vulture
58. Ring-billed Gull
Forest Suites Resort June 9, 2013
59. White-headed Woodpecker
60. Stellers Jay
Lake Tahoe Beach Area June 10, 2013
61. Foster's Tern
Maxwell I-5 Rest Stop June 11, 2013
62. Black-necked Stilt
63. Western Kingbird
Turtle Bay Bird Sanctuary June 12, 2013
Redding Ca
Fernhill Wetlands June 12, 2013
65. Black-headed Grosbeak
Sabrina's House June 18, 2013
66. Northern Flicker
Carissa's House
Grants Pass Or. June 20, 2013
67. Western Bluebird
Beal Road Ponds June 26, 2013
68. American Coot
Fernhill Wetlands July 4, 2013
69. Mute Swan
No Picture
70. Least Sandpiper (?)
Commonwealth Lake Park July 8, 2013
71. Green Heron
Back Yard July 17, 2013
72. Cooper's Hawk
Newport Or Hwy 101 July 20, 2013
73. Violet-green Swallow
Cormorants (not always 100% sure on these)
74. Brandt's Cormorant
75. Pelagic Cormorant (?)
76. Black Oystercatcher
78. Pigeon Guillemot
79. Peregrine Falcon
80. White-crowned Sparrow
Fernhill Wetlands July 30, 2013
81. Semipalmated Plover
(poor photo for ID only)
82. Western Sandpiper
83. Tricolored Blackbird
Fernhill Wetlands Aug. 8, 2013
84. Lesser Yellowlegs
85. Wilson's Snipe
86. Wilson's Phalarope
87. Bank Swallow
Fernhill Wetlands Aug. 11, 2013
88. American White Pelican
89. Belted Kingfisher
Dawson Creek Park Aug. 12, 2013
Hillsboro Library
90. Acorn Woodpecker
Aug 14, 2013
91. Brown Creeper
Fernhill Wetlands Aug. 26, 2013
92. Cackling Goose
Dawson Creek Park Sept 9, 2013
93. Swainson's Thrush
Tualatin River NWR Sept. 14, 2013
94. Green-winged Teal
95. American Kestrel
96. Warbling Vireo
97. Vaux's Swift
98. Downy Woodpecker
99. Pileated Woodpecker
100. Chestnut-backed Chickadee
101. Red-breasted Nuthatch
102. Bewick's Wren
Carissa's House Arroyo Dr. Sept. 21, 2013
Grants Pass Or.
103. Common Raven
Fernhill Wetlands Sept. 24, 2013
104. Greater White-fronted Goose
105. Pectoral Sandpiper
Fernhill Wetlands Sept. 26, 2013
106. Palm Warbler
Santa Rosa Plateau Eco Reserve Oct. 7, 2013
--Adobe loop California--
107. Red-shouldered Hawk
This guy was too fast to get a good shot.
108. Oak Titmouse
109. California Towhee
Lake Hemet Oct. 7, 2013
110. White-breasted Nuthatch
111. Phainopepla
112. Chipping Sparrow
113. Western Tanager
Collier Wetlands Baker Street Oct. 7, 2013
Lake Elsinore Ca.
114. Snowy Egret
(not the best picture but shows yellow feet)
115. Black-crowned Night Heron
116. Black Phoebe
(not the best picture, for Id only)
In n Out Burger Oct 9, 2013
Lake Elsinore Ca.
117. Say's Phoebe
Ernie's House Lake Elsinore California Oct. 9, 2013
118. White-throated Swift
Collier Wetlands Lake Elsinore Ca. Oct. 9, 2013
Foot Stuck
119. Townsend's Warbler
Fernhill Wetlands Oct. 14, 2013
120. Lesser Scaup
121. Ruddy Duck
122. Golden-crowned Sparrow
Boiler Bay State Wayside Oct. 15, 2013
123. Brown Pelican
124. Fox Sparrow
125. Surf Scoter
126. White-winged Scoter
127. Western Meadowlark
Otter Loop Oct. 15, 2013
128. Black Turnstone
Dawson Creek Park Oct. 30 & 31, 2013
129. Golden-crowned Kinglet
130. Rusty Blackbird (rare in Or.)
Commonwealth Lake Nov. 4, 2013
131. Bufflehead
132. Hooded Merganser
133. Common Merganser
Fernhill Wetlands Nov. 11, 2013
134. Horned Grebe (?) Big question on this one.
135. Dunlin
Commonwealth Lake Nov. 13, 2013
136. Virginia Rail
Dawson Creek Park Nov. 21, 2013
137. Ring-necked Duck
Yaquina Head Lighthouse Nov. 23, 2013
138. Harlequin Duck
139. Common Loon
Fernhill Wetlands Dec. 3, 2013
140. Tundra Swan
141. Mew Gull
142. Herring Gull
Backyard Dec. 7, 2013
143. Lincoln's Sparrow
Dawson Creek Park Dec. 11, 2013
144. Eurasian Wigeon
145. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
146. Varied Thrush
Fernhill Wetlands Jan. 8, 2014
147. Canvasback
148. Tufted Duck
149. Great Horned Owl
150. Glaucous-winged Gull (third yr)
151. Yellow-throated Warbler
152. Swainson's Hawk
154. Wild Turkey
155. Blue-winged Teal
156. Ring-necked Pheasant
American Pipit |
159. Clark's Grebe
160. Red-necked Phalarope
161. Whimbrel
162. Caspian Tern |
163. Purple Martin |
165. Yellow Warbler | ||||
166. Pine Siskin |
167. Bonaparte's Gull |
168. Pacific Wren |
169. Tufted Puffin | ||||
170. Heermann's Gull |
171. Purple Finch | ||||
172. Gray Catbird |
173. Merlin |
174. Mandarin Duck |
175. Sooty Shearwater | ||||
176. Marbled Murrelet | ||||
177. White-throated Sparrow | ||||
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