We have had a lot of rain and most of my usual birding areas have been flooded.
It's funny, a couple months ago there wasn't enough water at Jackson Bottom for the ducks,
now it's flooded and even the road to the parking lot was flooded.
Spent time at home and was able to get a couple cool birds right from my chair.
Never had a White-throated Sparrow in my yard. It was fun to have it visit on a day
I couldn't get out.
I also have a large Flicker that comes every day. Daphne knows it as the Big Bird. She likes to watch
him when he comes. She also likes what she calls the Junco Sparrows. They are here all the time.
Still have the question on my Slate colored Junco. I've been told two different things. I call it a slate colored because that's what I think it is. You be the judge.
A few days ago I was able to see a duck I was hunting since last year. It was counted in the CBC in Dec and was in a neighborhood pond by Walker rd Fred Meyer. It's considered an exotic escapee. Mandarin Duck. They are native I guess to China but people here buy them and then they escape and mix with other ducks. I have been driving by this pond at least once a week or so hoping to see it. Saw it the other day hanging out with the Wood Ducks and it was way down on the creek side so I didn't get the best picture but good enough. I sat and watched him for a while. Beautiful bird.
I don't take birding to seriously I like to have fun and enjoy watching how the birds act and relate to each other and their surroundings.
Had a lot of fun this week.