Thursday, May 28, 2015

Trip to Southern California

We've been having a great time in Southern California.
Spent a day with Greg and Marlene
Marlene fixed us lunch and then we went to the beach in Oceanside.
Marlene, Sabrina and Daphne Played on the beach.

Greg, Les and Me went down by the little bay area to look at the Birds.
Found a few birds I've never seen.


                Snowy Egret and Bunny

Snowy Egret

Great-tailed Grackle

We went to the desert and saw some new birds for me.


                                                                 Cactus Wren
                                                             Black-throated Sparrow

                                                                  White-winged Dove

This was from our resort hotel in San Diego


Found this one in Lake Elsinore

The Best of all was today I saw a Greater Roadrunner

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fun Week

So funny the way this week has gone. My leg has been really bad with a lot of pain.  Haven't been able to do much walking much less birding. Decided I wanted to find the Lazuli Bunting I've been trying to see this bird for over 2 years.  Whenever I hear or read they are somewhere I'd go but could never find them. This week David Irons and Shawneen reported some at Cooper Mountain. I asked where to find them and they gave me directions and said I should see them in the parking lot. So I went to the parking lot and there they were. Got a couple good photos of one and was really happy to finally see one. They are the prettiest little birds. All the time I've spent looking and I only had to step out of my car and there they were.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Bath Time

I was wondering when my birds would start using the bath.
Last night a couple Doves just sat on it for a couple hours.
I try to change the water every day so it's nice and fresh.

Then today a Jay decided to take a full bath.  He was having such a good time. I think I enjoyed it almost as much as he did. Fun to just sit and watch him. The little things in life can change your whole mood for the day.