I don't normally run off and chase a bird siting. Sometimes just too busy and can't get out at the time the bird is seen. Yesterday I was very interested in this one. I drove out to find this little guy. Got to the site and spent a couple hours and of course he never showed himself again. I had to pick Daphne up from her dads house so I had to leave. I watched and no one else reported seeing it later that day.
This morning I had an early morning dentist appointment so I thought I'd drive over to Nimbus by Koll Wetlands and see if he was around. A couple other birders were there. He finally showed himself and was pretty tame and almost posed for us. At one point he was right down in the gutter of Nimbus Dr. He didn't seem too scared of the cars.
Very pretty little bird. I'm not good at the age thing but some of the birders were saying he was a 1st year bird. How he ended up in Beaverton we don't know.