Saturday, March 29, 2014

Wild Turkey / Not The Drink

Spending the week-end with Ron and Cheryl in Merlin Oregon. Just north of Grants Pass. I asked Dennis Vroman for advice on where to look during this rain storm. Not sure I wanted to get soaked. He asked me what birds I was interested in. I told him one on my list was Wild Turkey. I had never seen one in the wild. He suggested a few places. As I was coming down the freeway and hit the Hugo exit there was a small group of turkeys. I thought how funny that was.

Today Cheryl and went I out for the day. We saw a lot of turkeys. They seem to be everywhere. Cheryl got excited when we almost hit a Turkey Vulture that was having lunch in the middle of the road on some fresh roadkill.  We turned around to get a place to park.

I got out of the car to get a picture and there were about 10 of them right above my head waiting for their turn to dine. A little bit strange. We sat in the car for a while and one of them came into the road and we both got pictures. It was pretty cool.

            Turkey Vulture

Wild Turkey

We did see one thing I thought was interesting.  Last year when I was here we saw two Ospry nests on the top of the Robertson Bridge. Today the same nests are there but there seems to be a Canada Goose that has taken up residence there. Not sure if it's using the nest or what. My friend Cheryl says the goose has been up there for a while. I sent an email to Dennis to see if he knew anything about it. Haven't heard back yet.

All in all it was a good day. We had to stop several times because it would start to rain. When I come back in May it should be better weather.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker / YES

Finally got to see the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Just took a ride out after Sabrina got off work. It was beautiful out and the last day of sun for a week or so.

Couldn't see it at first then found it in the trees right where he had been reported. It was hard to get a good picture because of all the leaves and other branches. It was a great lifer.

On the way out we checked out a report of Swainson's Hawks out in the Hillsboro area. Stopped for a couple minutes and took photos. I saw 2 but someone questioned how many I saw. Doesn't matter to me. Dave Irons confirmed it was a  Swainson's Hawk ( juvenile plumage) so I feel good. Two Lifers in one day. It's all good.

Swainson's Hawk 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cedar Waxwings Are Back

Had a good day yesterday. I was looking through ebird maps and saw that Steve Nord had seen some waxwings at Commonwealth lake. I got so excited I had to go see them. Cedar Waxwings are among my favorite birds. They are just beautiful.

When I first saw a photo at a friends house and looked them up on my field guide I wasn't concentrating on size. I thought they were a bigger bird like the size of a Jay. I saw some were reported at Fernhill Wetlands in Forest Grove.  So off I go. I was looking all over for this bird. I got down the trail and saw these little birds just flittering from tree to tree. Looked through my binoculars and there they were, Cedar Waxwing.  I was so shocked. I must have taken 20 pictures that day.

First photos of Cedar Waxwing

Newest Photos from Yesteday

I saw a lot of nice birds yesterday. It was so good to see my waxwings back.
Commonwealth Lake is a great place to go. It is paved all around and you can take a stroller if you need to. Lots of people around so I always feel safe.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Yellow-throated Warbler / Townsend's Warbler

Had a great day. My sweet husband took me down to Salem to see the Yellow-throated Warbler. Now for him it was like driving all that way just to see a bird? But he knew I wanted to go so we made a morning of it.

Got there and Charlotte was fantastic. She had coffee and brownies there for everyone. She actually was talking and entertaining the mates that were there and weren't interested in birds. We waited for about 40 min. During the wait time I got see some Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Townsend's Warbler and of course the Yellow-throated Warbler. Great day.

Townsend's Warbler

Yellow-throated Warbler

Stopped a few places on the way home. Nothing compared to seeing these two birds.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Dawson Creek And Fernhill

Can't believe I hit two places in one day. I was pretty tired by the time I got home. Also spent 2 hours with my mother in between.

Got to Dawson Creek mostly to look for the Rusty Blackbird.  Steve Nord reported seeing it again. He had been gone for a few weeks.

As I got there I went right over to the bench where he usually hangs out. There he was. It was like he was waiting for me. Got a couple pictures then he got a little fluttered and moved on.

When I first got there I talked to a couple that came to find the Rusty.  I pointed out the spot I usually see him. They kind of turned their nose up at me and went off the other way. I was just trying to be helpful.  I started taking photos when I saw him and that couple saw and came running. They just got to see him and take a couple pictures before he took off. They never said a word to me. How Rude.

Went and saw my mom and then over to Fernhill.  Ran into Gary Witt and had a very nice afternoon walk. All in all a good day.

Saw a sweet little Yellow-rumped Warbler.  He actually sat still for a minute

 So many variations. This guy was really bright.

Monday, March 10, 2014

First Turkey Vulture

Saw my first Turkey Vulture of the year. Headed home from Woodburn on Sunday and saw the Turkey Vulture soaring along the trees off Hwy 217.  It caught my eye right away. I would have taken a picture if I had been more prepared. My camera was right at my feet but I was too tired to grab it fast. By the time I thought about it we were down the road and he was gone.  There will be many more. They are being seen all around so I guess they are back.

Heading to Grants Pass next week-end so I will see many on the way and when I get there.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fernhill Walk

I went on the Fernhill Wetlands walk with the group that works with Portland Audubon Society (Magpies)  It was actually a lot of fun. I usually bird alone. It was nice to have some people to walk and talk with. It's really helpful and educational. Others spot birds I may not see.

Dudley Thomas was the lead on the group.  Several people had scopes and it's amazing how much you can see. I'd love to have one but they are expensive and would be difficult for me to carry.  I'm getting my new binoculars on friday so I'm hoping they will help me see a little more than I do now.

Saw more swallows.  They were fluttering all over.  They should be nesting soon. Some looked like they were staking out their new homes. 



We were greeted by a Mourning Dove at the new gate and parking lot. 



The day was pretty quiet. There were only 2 Red-tailed Hawks and the Bald Eagles were not there. Must have been out looking for lunch. 

Little Song Sparrow posing.

After I had lunch I went over to Amberglen Park to work on my gull skills. Taking me time but eventually I'll get it. Every day there are tons of them there in the grass. Usually 3 or 4 different species.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Northern Harrier

Went out for a drive with daughter and granddaughter. Had a nice day and went out into the country a little. Saw a few birds but my first Male Norther Harrier.   I've only seen females that are a brown color. When I saw this guy I was thrown a little. Looked it up and sure enough the male adults are a gray color.  I learn something new everyday.

Another amazing thing for me was a Western Bluebird in my yard. It was really great. Didn't have time to grab by camera. He was sitting on the fence above the feeder and as soon as I saw him he took off. I need to just sit out there and watch all day.