Monday, December 29, 2014

First Slate-colored Junco

Had a new visitor to the yard a couple days ago.
A little Slate-colored Junco.
I was pretty sure from my books and what I have learned.
I got it confirmed from Greg so I felt pretty good.

Also an Anna's Hummingbird 
I'm thrilled with having my Hummers

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Snowy Owl

I was so excited. Got to see a Snowy Owl.
Last week one was spotted down by Salem. I was still pretty sick with this stupid Virus.
Had to pass on it.
One was reported only 8 miles from home. It was over by I-5 and Terwilliger. Decided I had to go.
Les said he didn't want me going alone so he drove. Funny when we got there he took the bins so he could get a close look. He likes to act like he's going for me but he really likes seeing the rare birds.

We got there and there were about 15 other birders there. The lady from the Audubon Society of Portland was there and said they think it was an immature female. She was beautiful.(not the lady the owl) She had about 3 crows that were dive bombing her and just being mean.

I think it was the most exciting day since I've been birding. 
Love my sweet husband for taking me and enjoying it. 

My camera has been acting up. I'm shopping for a new one. Any suggestions accepted. 
I Dropped my camera about a week ago and think something is off. Not getting very clear photos.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

New Visitors

I had a couple new visitors to my feeders today.

1. Bewick's Wren

     Not the best picture. Took it through the screen.  He came and went a couple times and was very fast. I was thrilled to have him in my yard. I've only seen them a few times out in the field.

2.  Chipmonk ?

       I don't know the kind. I was shocked to see him. He found the feeders and loves the black oil seeds.   He gets around pretty good. I'm not even going to try and stop him. I got the squirrls taken care of so I don't think this guy eats too much. He's so cute.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Determined Squirrel

This guy is very determined to get the bird seed.  He has used the birdbath and the humming bird feeder to jump up on to make his way over to the suet. I moved them away so it took a couple days then I found him flying from branches of trees and jumping.

                                                             1. Thinking about it.

                                                             2. Working out the plan.

 3. Thinking some more

 4. On the move, Jump

5. Steady

6. Getting there

7. Success

I've tried everything to stop this guy. I think I'll just give up. I guess he needs to eat too. I just don't want him to teach the others.

Animals are so funny.  Where there's a will there's a way. 


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Back Yard

My backyard is just filled with activity. Put up a bunch of new feeders. I put up thistle seeds and almost immediately got some Lesser Goldfinches.

Not the best pictures. I was taking through a screen.

I had heard that it takes a while to get hummingbirds to come to a new feeder. I was prepared to wait. I placed the feeder on the patio table while I was getting the liquid ready. I had two hummers start checking it out. I filled it and then put it up on the pole and they were there eating within a half an hour.  I was really surprised.

I also had a Flicker visit today. He really seemed to like the suet.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Downy at My Feeders

I was so excited to look out this morning and see a Downy Woodpecker at my feeders. He spent about half an hour here. The activity in the back yard seems to be increasing.

The amount of Black-capped Chicadees has increased too. It's really hard to count them because they come and go so quickly. The Juncos are easy to count because they tend to stay on the ground eating.
I was thrilled to have Red-breasted Nuthatches here but now the Downy was or exciting. Wonder what will be next.

Having such fun from my recliner.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Western Grebe at Dawson Creek

Went back looking for the Mandarin Duck. She hasn't been seen for a couple days. She may have gone somewhere else. I'm going to keep looking.

While looking for the duck I was following the creek that goes behind the Wood Duck pond and saw what I thought was a Grebe.  Had to get closer to see if it was Clark's or Western. As I got closer the Mallards all flew away. Saw it was a Western. He let me take all the pictures I wanted. I sat on the bench for a while and just watched him float along the creek. He was just going back and forth. It actually was very relaxing.

I got home and looked up on ebird and no one has ever reported a Western in Dawson Creek. Of course that doesn't mean there's never been one there before but it has never been reported. Feel good to be the only one to report it.

Some of the birds i saw today

Western Grebe


A gull I still can't ID. Any help appreciated.  Pink feet. Could it be a Glaucous-winged?

My favorite:  Great Blue Heron

Red-winged Blackbird

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Red-breasted Nuthatch

So excited. My first Red-breasted Nuthatch in my yard. Never seen them at the feeders.
I just changed the furniture in my living room to face the windows. Now I can watch the feeders from my chair.

Heard them fist then saw them. Hard to get a picture through the screen window or door. Best I could do. Hope to get better picture later.

Dawson Creek / Mandarin Duck Hunt

After Birds and Brew at Fernhill I decided to go to Dawson to see if I could find the Mandarin Duck that had been reported. Ran into a gal I met at the Birds and Brew. She was also looking for the duck. Between the two of us (she first spotted it) we found it. I was able to get a half way decent picture of it. Had fun looking. By the time I was done there I was pretty tired. Got a few shots though.

Mandarin Duck? Or maybe not. May be a young male wood duck.

Acorn Woodpecker

Some Cedar Waxwings
 Loved the Fall colors on some of the leaves

 Wood Ducks are Back

Kris says this is a young Wood Duck
He must be at that awkward stage

Fernhill With John Rakestraw

Went to Birds and Brew At Fernhill yesterday. John Rakestraw was leading a walk through the parts of Fernhill that was still open. Construction has taken the entire front ponds out.

 John Rakestraw

 Fernhill Construction

We were able to go through the rest of the trails.
I got to see some of the area I never been in. Back behind Dabblers Pond. Les doesn't like me going into back areas alone. So it was fun to see parts I've never seen.  We all had a great time.

 First time I could get a shot of a Killdeer in flight. They are usually too fast for me.

Loved getting a close up of a Merlin

Mandarin Duck

I think I found the Mandarin Duck. Very close to the Wood Ducks at Dawson Creek. Others had seen it. Another gal (Kris) and I were both looking for it. Pretty sure we found it. She was mixed in with the other Wood Ducks and just kind of fit in but the eye markings were different. Not the best picture I've ever taken but good enough. Anyone sees this (Greg) and thinks I'm wrong or wants to confirm it  let me know.  This seems to be the one everyone is calling Mandarin Duck.

Heard from Greg Gillson. This may be a young male Wood Duck.  Going to go check it out again.